Instead of throwing them away, Re-Purpose Shriveled Tomatoes.
What is re-purposing anyway? Well, let me tell you. With these tomatoes, it’s giving them a purpose other than being thrown in the trash can. Re-purposing them is easy and it’s a way to save good food that you might otherwise throw away!
So…let’s begin at the beginning
I usually buy the small sugar plums or cherry tomatoes every week. Sometimes we eat them all before they start to shrivel and sometimes we don’t. I always feel so bad to waste food and definitely hate to throw them away.
What I’ve been doing lately re-purposes these little fellas and they are perfect for using in other meals. They become similar to the peeled tomatoes that you would get in a can but they always give me more satisfaction to use!
What I do is put on a pot of water to boil and then drop my tomatoes in the boiling water. They will boil vigorously for 5 or 10 minutes until you see that the skins are splitting.
I then take them out of the water with a “spider”, like below, or a slotted spoon to drain them.
After they’re out of the water, put them in a bowl or colander to cool for a few minutes until you’re able to handle them because they are very hot when they first come out of the water!
When they’re cool enough to handle, pick up each one and start removing the peel at the split and put them in another bowl to separate them from their peels. What you will end up with is a nice batch of tomatoes that you can add to a sauce or casserole, dip, spread or scramble – lots of possibilities!
These are really very versatile and they keep for at least 5 days in the refrigerator – possibly longer. Have fun experimenting!
Hope this little tip was helpful! xx ~Deb
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